Jannie Heyneke

Maximise the return on your investment in skills development

Skills Development

Maximise the return on your investment in skills development

DigitalCampus has developed a way for companies to harness the power of learning to improve performance, upskill their people and give life to the spirit of empowerment legislation

Businesses have long recognised that investing in the development of their people’s skills generates real returns – we know that better motivated and better skilled employees positively impact corporate performance. Concurrently, employees themselves have long since identified the correlation between the acquisition of skills and career advancement. High rankings on lists like “Most Admired Company” and “Best Company to Work For” are often underpinned by the training opportunities a company offers.

Companies (including their shareholders) and employees agree that offering skills development opportunities for staff has positive benefits for all. The question remaining is around how to make skills development affordable and deliver it optimally. Since companies primarily exist to make money, they need to budget for money spent on skills development and to see a good return on their investment.

The DigitalCampus solution

Here are some of the highlights of the offering, and how they align with the imperatives we have discussed:

  • Online short courses mean that trainees can participate easily from any location, with minimal disruption to their normal operational responsibilities.
  • Work simulation helps turn theory into practice, making the training much more relevant to real working life.
  • Full support from experts. Unlike conventional e-learning, our courses have expert educators in the background to enhance the learning experience and monitor progress. This support includes discussion forums with, and mentorship by, a Wits lecturer to help ensure trainees get the maximum value and are inspired to complete the course. DigitalCampus has a 96 percent completion rate.
  • Courses are accredited by University, and a Certificate of Competence-based on a formal assessment is provided. This maximises scorecard points and ensures that individuals have a credible certification that will help them advance their careers.
  • Courses all focus on pivotal areas with a direct impact on business performance and improving trainees’ CVs.
  • All courses are recognised as Category B in terms of the scorecard, thereby maximising the points earned on the scorecard, and the company’s investment in the programme.

In short, this approach enables companies to remain true to the spirit of the empowerment legislation, maximise the positive impact of their own performance and the CVs of their employees, and gain the most traction on the scorecard itself. The latter is important not just for compliance purposes but also for qualifying to tender for government work.

How it actually works: An example from real life

To understand the power of the DigitalCampus approach, let’s look at a client example

We recently worked with a major technology company. One goal was to improve its scorecard rating in order to position itself better when bidding on contracts. At the same time, it wanted to make the same learning experience available to all staff across the country but without disrupting operations unnecessarily. The company was adamant that the courses had to be relevant to the business, and that what people learned on them would help improve both corporate and individual performance.

Based on the client’s skills needs, we put together a structured learning journey comprising several modules or courses. Trainees had to complete all the learning items in the module using any Internet-connected device, complete the assignment and participate in the discussion forum hosted by the lecturer. The forum required trainees to discuss how they would apply what they had learnt to their work environments or give feedback on how they had done so. Finally, they would have to write the final online exam. Each component counted towards the final mark obtained.

A total of 70 employees participated, and all bar one participant completed the course. The pass rate was 96 percent. Learner satisfaction ratings were around 85 percent, with the majority in the 90s. All of this goes to the continuing impact the courses will have on company and individual performance.

Sixty-one of the trainees fell into the designated groups in terms of the scorecard. The total tuition costs for this group amounted to R722 346, but because the programme was recognised as Category B, the full salary cost of the trainees could also be recognised on the scorecard. Because of this, the total spend recognised for the scorecard was R3.9 million.

We calculated that the DigitalCampus programme as a whole contributed an extra 2.5 points to the client’s B-BBEE scorecard, playing a major part in helping it move from a Level 4 B-BBEE contributor to Level 3 in terms of the new ICT Charter.

Everybody agrees on the value that properly structured and accredited skills development can deliver to companies, individuals and the economy as a whole. Now there is a way to ensure all these benefits are realised in a way that maximises the positive impact for all stakeholders.

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Fast track career growth in the new world of work

Accredited learning paths that build relevant skills and competence

Invigorate your skills development offering

University-accredited online and blended short courses

Rapidly improve your scorecard metrics

B-BBEE (South Africa) and other scorecard solutions

Trusted accreditation in the palm of your hand

Digitally enabled learning solutions supported by a dedicated team of Wits academics and experience managers

Discover why your customers buy what they buy

Learn to meet customers’ social, emotional and functional requirements

Activate and strengthen sales team engagement

Digital sales activation challenges

Cultivate a performance-based sales culture

Sales leadership and culture solutions

Mobilise the right sales strategy

Sales strategy validation and optimisation

Accelerate sales pipelines and spark growth

Customer-centric sales strategy

Grow and sustain critical sales capabilities

Digital learning content for Sales

Engage for sustainable high performance

Human Capital Strategy, Learning Strategy and Transformation

Future-fit your organisation for success

Learning and Talent Assessments, Talent Management and People Balance Sheet Planning

Connect learning journeys to performance outcomes

Onboarding, talent development and learning mapped to individual and company needs

Shift the needle on learning experiences

Smart learning and talent experience platforms, tools and digital learning assets

Upskill people with new digital smarts

Digital learning content (customised or plug-and-play)

Make better future-fit talent decisions

Talent Management

Get passionate about results

Strategy and Change

Nurture the right habits and behaviours

Leadership and Culture

Innovate and accelerate the future

Digital Transformation

Play your people to their strengths

Talent Assessments

Ignite high performance

Performance Enablement

Awaken the spirit of high performance

Interactive multimedia inspirational stories

Unlock new thinking and shift mindsets

More than 13 intriguing true stories of high performance

Empower leaders and teams

Expertly facilitated moderated conversations

Build new habits for high performance

Smart Toolboxes to activate habits for success