On Demand Virtual Event

Accelerate the sales function and boost the bottom line

Liquid Intelligent Technologies - Derek Hall

Derek Hall

Group Executive: Organisational Effectiveness at Liquid Intelligent Technologies

A unique and non-traditional story based leadership journey

How do you move a newly formed sales team of 200 people towards sales victory? How do you cultivate a new sales and service mindset? How do you prepare and orient everyone for growth and help them build lasting, valuable relationships with clients?

Come and listen to Derek’s story and discover an exciting, innovative solution to ignite new mindsets, inspire action and ownership. Hear how Liquid Intelligent Technologies was able to creatively solve the two struggles of integrating two teams and optimising sales as the integration happens!

Explore more from the big summit talent festival - our clients and speakers

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Survey - we would love your feedback!

Did you join our Big Summit Talent Festival on 28 and 29 March 2023?

We trust you enjoyed the engagement and found it to be both productive and meaningful and would appreciate you taking the time to reflect and share your valuable feedback with us in this survey.

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Fill in the form below and we will give you access to this exciting resource

Fill in the form below and we will give you access to this exciting resource

Fill in the form below and we will give you access to this exciting resource.

Fill in the form below and we will give you access to this exciting resource

Fill in the form below and we will give you access to this exciting resource

Fill in the form below and we will give you access to this exciting resource

Fill in the form below and we will give you access to this exciting resource

Fill in the form below and we will give you access to this exciting resource

Fast track career growth in the new world of work

Accredited learning paths that build relevant skills and competence

Invigorate your skills development offering

University-accredited online and blended short courses

Rapidly improve your scorecard metrics

B-BBEE (South Africa) and other scorecard solutions

Trusted accreditation in the palm of your hand

Digitally enabled learning solutions supported by a dedicated team of Wits academics and experience managers

Discover why your customers buy what they buy

Learn to meet customers’ social, emotional and functional requirements

Activate and strengthen sales team engagement

Digital sales activation challenges

Cultivate a performance-based sales culture

Sales leadership and culture solutions

Mobilise the right sales strategy

Sales strategy validation and optimisation

Accelerate sales pipelines and spark growth

Customer-centric sales strategy

Grow and sustain critical sales capabilities

Digital learning content for Sales

Engage for sustainable high performance

Human Capital Strategy, Learning Strategy and Transformation

Future-fit your organisation for success

Learning and Talent Assessments, Talent Management and People Balance Sheet Planning

Connect learning journeys to performance outcomes

Onboarding, talent development and learning mapped to individual and company needs

Shift the needle on learning experiences

Smart learning and talent experience platforms, tools and digital learning assets

Upskill people with new digital smarts

Digital learning content (customised or plug-and-play)

Make better future-fit talent decisions

Talent Management

Get passionate about results

Strategy and Change

Nurture the right habits and behaviours

Leadership and Culture

Innovate and accelerate the future

Digital Transformation

Play your people to their strengths

Talent Assessments

Ignite high performance

Performance Enablement

Awaken the spirit of high performance

Interactive multimedia inspirational stories

Unlock new thinking and shift mindsets

More than 13 intriguing true stories of high performance

Empower leaders and teams

Expertly facilitated moderated conversations

Build new habits for high performance

Smart Toolboxes to activate habits for success