Blog - LRMG Wed, 10 May 2023 09:28:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Blog - LRMG 32 32 Capability Academies and/or more? Wed, 10 May 2023 08:36:55 +0000 "By 2025, 90% of enterprises will be affected by IT skills shortages, costing approximately $6.5 trillion globally."

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In an article by Lewis Taylor, he elaborates on the threat posed by not having the right skills on board to ensure that customers' needs are met. He highlights the following: "By 2025, 90% of enterprises will be affected by IT skills shortages, costing approximately $6.5 trillion globally."

I have spent the past few months researching IT Capability Academies. The LRMG IT Talent Management team has created several Capability Academies in line with future IT Skills, including Cybersecurity, Machine Learning, Robotics Process Automation, Data Science, and Cloud, to name but a few. These Capability Academies were created based on both technical and behavioral skills of the future. 

I do, however, want to pause and pose a few other important questions.

We all go shopping from time to time, and then we would typically ask ourselves: What do I have to buy, and how many of these items do I need? One is generally very annoyed when you come home and realize that you are one item short. 

Building skills is the same. Do you know how many of what you need? A crucial part of this question is: Have you quantified what you think you have?

Within the LRMG IT Talent DigitalCampus IT team, we can help you answer some of these crucial questions. Yes, we can provide you with the vehicle, Capability Academies, to build your talent pool, but we can also assist you with more. IT Staffing Diagnostics and Benchmarks will allow you to clarify the skills that you actually have versus the skills that you actually need. This will ultimately help you to limit the threat of not having the required skills. 

Furthermore, we can assist you through role definition, competency frameworks, job descriptions and grading, as well as rewards benchmarking to ensure that you can keep the right skills. We can, through industry-aligned technical IT skills assessments and proficiency reviews, measure the depth of your skills. 

With all this information that we’ve gathered, we can ensure that Capability Academies are in line with the desired outcome of having enough of the right skills at the right time. Over the next few weeks, I will be posting a number of articles to expand on the areas mentioned in this post. 

The LRMG group of companies specialises in igniting the high performance of people. We have a 25-year track record in partnering with high-consequence industries.

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Learning – To be or not to be – Phase 1 Wed, 10 May 2023 08:06:04 +0000 As I did in the last article on Learning - To be or not to be, I highlight a few other crucial points.

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In this article, I am focusing on the importance of the first bullet point: Quantify the specific skills required. As a practical example, I will refer to the cybersecurity domain in this article. One can, however, apply the same concept to data science, machine learning, Cloud, etc.

When we consult with clients in the first stage of the Capability Academy journey, we focus on three specific skills areas, i.e., hard skills, also referred to as technical skills, behavioral skills, also referred to as Human or Soft Skills, and leadership skills. 

In the field of hard skills for cybersecurity, we would typically look into:


  • Scripting – it is an essential skill for a cybersecurity specialist to write scripts, but also be able to read scripts and provide advice to the development team 
  • Framework – an in-depth understanding of best practices, policies, and tools will go far to help secure your data and business operations. This includes CISA and CISSP. 
  • Intrusion Detection – knowledge about the usage of both IDS (Intrusion Detection Systems) and IPS (Intrusion Prevention Systems) 
  • Network Security Control – both wired and wireless
  • Operating Systems – both traditional and mobile
  • Incident Response – procedures and processes to respond to security incidents
  • Cloud – with the growth in Cloud, Cloud Security is critical  
  • DevOps – when considering the number of applications used on a daily basis, one is required to incorporate security into the DevOps process
  • Knowledge of threats – the whole field of Cyber Ops

This is, however, all based on hard skills. What about behavioral areas? This must, at a minimum, include:

  • Agile
  • Critical Thinking
  •  Design Thinking
  •  Problem-solving
  •  Communication
  •  Emotional Intelligence
  •  Resilience and grit
  •  Risk management

From a leadership perspective, the following areas need consideration:

  • Expert Insights on agility and collaboration
  • Leadership Insights on problem-solving and decision-making
  • Building Innovation cultures and leaders
  • Developing a team of Creative Gurus
  • Leading innovation
  • Leadership Insights on Leading a customer-centric culture

All of the above can be seen as only a list of items; however, the depth and breadth of the skills requirement still have to be identified and documented. This is a crucial aspect as it forms the foundation of the next article, “Measure your people against these criteria”, and then creating structured learning journeys to overcome the gaps. 

 The LRMG IT Talent team can play a significant role in ensuring that the first phase of realizing your investment in skills development is successfully completed. 

The LRMG group of companies specialises in igniting the high performance of people. We have a 25-year track record in partnering with high-consequence industries.

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Learning – To be or not to be – Phase 2 Wed, 10 May 2023 08:06:02 +0000 SIn the first article, we spoke about the general concept of learning and LRMG IT Talent’s view on learning. In the second article, we focused on the concept of quantifying the specific skill required. In the third article, I want to present you with some insight into measuring current skills.

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In a world where the pressure is on to build future skills, one needs to take stock of what you already have. As time is of the essence, you need to know what skills you require and then measure current skills to allow for the fastest upskilling process.

To measure current skills is fairly easy. All people would need to do is an assessment, but herein lies the challenge. Do a quick assessment and all is done. 

The question should be: tell me more about the different types of assessments. One of the first two questions one has to ask would be: What are you measuring against and is the assessment worth anything? Good question! The assessment needs to be looking at international trends. ‘Looking’ in this instance implies that there has to be a good set of research that determines what the specific skills and related questions are that need to be asked. One therefore needs an assessment that isn’t cobbled together quickly, but rather consists of content to be measured against an international benchmark of people in specific roles. 

Secondly, there needs to be a direct link between the skills that you will require (article 2 in this series) and the assessment. Ultimately you want to know what you need and then quantify what you have. The organization responsible for the assessment needs to have experience in determining both what is needed and then make the link to the assessment. And lastly – and this is probably the most important ingredient – the ability to make sense of the first two pillars to allow them to point to a solution that will ensure that you can reach your end goal. 

In summary – determining current skills levels must be based on a science and not on the skills people believe they have. 

In the next article, I will address the specific set of learning interventions as well as the golden thread of a continuous assessment process.

The LRMG group of companies specialises in igniting the high performance of people. We have a 25-year track record in partnering with high-consequence industries.

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Learning – To be or not to be – Phase 3 Wed, 10 May 2023 08:05:57 +0000 In the previous articles, we covered the general concept of learning, quantifying the specific skills required, and measuring current skills. In this article, we will discuss the specific set of learning interventions and the importance of a continuous assessment process.

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Once you have identified the skills gap within your organization, the next step is to address it through tailored learning interventions. These interventions should be designed to target the specific needs of your workforce, taking into account their current skill levels and the desired outcomes. Some key factors to consider when designing learning interventions include:

  1. Blended learning approach: A combination of e-learning, instructor-led training, and practical hands-on experience is often the most effective way to teach new skills. This approach caters to different learning styles and allows learners to practice what they’ve learned in a controlled environment.
  2. Customized content: The learning content should be tailored to the needs of your organization and the specific skills you’re looking to develop. This ensures that the training is relevant and applicable to the real-world challenges your employees will face.
  3. Progress tracking: Regular assessments should be conducted throughout the learning process to monitor the progress of learners and ensure they are on track to achieve the desired outcomes. These assessments can also help identify any additional support or resources needed to help learners succeed.
  4. Continuous learning: Skill development shouldn’t end once a training program is completed. Encourage a culture of continuous learning within your organization by providing access to ongoing resources, workshops, and opportunities for skills development. This helps maintain and build upon the skills acquired during the initial training.
  5. Incentives and rewards: Recognize and reward employees who demonstrate a commitment to learning and skills development. This can help motivate others to participate in training programs and contribute to a culture of learning within your organization.

By implementing a tailored learning intervention plan and continuously assessing the progress of your employees, you can ensure that your organization is equipped with the necessary skills to succeed in a rapidly changing business environment.

The LRMG group of companies specialises in igniting the high performance of people. We have a 25-year track record in partnering with high-consequence industries.

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Learning – To be or not to be Wed, 10 May 2023 07:59:05 +0000 Shakespeare coined the phrase: "To be or not to be" in the play Hamlet. I believe the phrase applies to learning as well. In the past two weeks, I have had a significant number of client meetings and one area stood out particularly. "Please help us! This online rabbit hole that we went down is not paying off."

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The more you unpack this statement with clients, the more you realize that it's not necessarily the fault of the eLearning tool that they have acquired.

Rather, it has to do with the buzzwords that they have bought. “This e-Learning tool has AI built in and will guide students to just receive what they need to learn,” or “Self-Directed Learning is the answer to all problems,” and a multitude of other buzzword-enriched sentences. 

What then is the answer?

Must they just throw e-Learning out? The answer is a resounding NO! The approach, however, needs some rethinking. I have added a few ideas below: 

  • How do you use international benchmarking to quantify your specific need?
  • How do you measure current skills – and this must not be done with yet another piece of technology – how do you measure current versus required skills within the e-Learning tool that you bought?
  • What about making the exercise of measuring current skills a fun competition within your company? 
  • What if you provide a learning experience enriched by real human contact – this can be accomplished by adding Subject Matter sessions and proper discussion groups. I say proper because it has to be well-defined and well-designed discussion groups. 
  • What if you have well-designed skills challenges at regular intervals?
  • What if you could provide access to environments where students can practice? 
  • What if you structure learning journeys for core skills across the disciplines of Behavioral (Human) Leadership and Technical skills? 
  • Are you currently measuring the skills gain at regular intervals to determine corrective action? We know that everyone does not learn at the same pace. 
  • Lastly, what if you do not limit what people can learn?

Have the need to discuss these questions in more detail? Contact me or wait for the next article in the series about ensuring that learning is a "to be" rather than a "not to be."

The LRMG group of companies specialises in igniting the high performance of people. We have a 25-year track record in partnering with high-consequence industries.

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LRMG and Torque Taking Employee Experience to New Heights Wed, 01 Mar 2023 12:04:14 +0000 Pula Capital Partners, LRMG's investment arm, is pleased to announce a strategic investment in and partnership with Torque.

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Pula Capital Partners, LRMG's investment arm, is pleased to announce a strategic investment in and partnership with Torque.

Torque is an employee experience agency that partners with various organisations to create integrated and holistic employee experience (EX) solutions, from hire to retire. Offerings range from employee experience consultancy and strategy to employee engagement portals and facilitated conversations and toolkits around topical subjects such as Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI).

Further portfolio offerings within their solution suite include EX communication strategy and solution design; end-to-end EX content creation, design, and management; employee value proposition (EVP) workshops and organisational roll-out; and bespoke employee wellness strategies and communication. CEO of LRMG, Ricky Robinson, says, “Torque is highly complementary to our own business of enabling high performance in organisations and has special synergies with our culture, change, and organisational design consulting division. We are especially excited to have attracted Sally and her team, who have recently again been recognised as one of SA’s Top Women Empowered Companies.”

Sally Acton, Torque’s founder and CEO, states, “We are very excited to have found in LRMG a well-established and reputable B-BBEE partner that can add significant value to our business by unlocking joint opportunities in an enlarged client base. The cultural fit and LRMG’s particular efforts in woman’s empowerment is a bonus….”

Pula delivers a highly innovative approach and value proposition to apply support, knowledge, and networks to help grow the companies they invest in.

About LRMG

LRMG is the only organisation in the world that provides talent technology and talent advisory solutions under one roof. Our clients love that we provide an end-to-end solution for high performance that is never a drop-and-run, but carefully designed to deliver talent that performs.

LRMG Digitally enables high performance in teams with talent acceleration systems, smart toolboxes, content, and new high-performance habit-forming strategies to pivot for success.

LRMG is a 25-year-old organization with offices in Johannesburg, Cape Town, Kenya and Mauritius and representation in another 18 African territories and is a AAA level 1 accredited B-BBEE company.

About Pula Capital Partners

Pula Capital Partners is a subsidiary of LRMG, and its value proposition sits squarely with leveraging the value that LRMG has to offer investees. Pula Capital’s mission is to grow companies through B-BBEE and integrate them into LRMG’s broad client base and market-facing value propositions whilst supporting their sales efforts and business development into the broader market. For more information, visit

About Torque

Torque is an Employee Experience (EX) agency committed to building meaningful employee experiences, from hire to retire.

Torque is passionate about developing Employee Value Propositions (EVPs), communication strategies, and digital experiences that are applicable and accessible to everyone in the business – no matter their device, job function, or region.

By creating experiences that speak to employees in a hyper-targeted and relevant way, Torque inspires a culture of conversation and positively impacts employee engagement and productivity.
Torque is positioned as a team of trusted partners and valuable advisors to their clients for their unique employee insights, problem-solving abilities, excellent customer service, and quick turnaround times.

For more information about the business visit the Torque website:


The LRMG group of companies specialises in igniting the high performance of people. We have a 25-year track record in partnering with high-consequence industries.

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Sanlam Case Study Thu, 16 Feb 2023 10:05:08 +0000 Sanlam - We empower generations to be financially confident, secure and prosperous

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What was Impactful Specialist Solutions hired to do?

  • To help Sanlam achieve its strategic goal of empowering youth with special needs
  • To manage the Learnership recruitment process, training and placement of delegates upon completion
  • To be a Skills Development partner in Sanlam’s transformation journey and assist them in achieving a diversified staff complement

Client’s Challenges & progress to be made

Improving diversity in order to have a more represented workforce and recognising the necessity of giving chances to people with special needs in their fight against unemployment. Sanlam’s goal has always been to give people hope so they can live their lives with confidence and to assist them in becoming economically productive citizens. The lack of suitably qualified candidates has always been a challenge.

Sanlam case study - empower generations

Impactful Specialist Solutions’ approach

Learnerships are a crucial tool for assisting these individuals in their transformational journeys and achieving a diverse workforce. Sanlam partnered with Impactful Specialist Solutions (ISS) in 2017 to assist them with facilitating Learnership programmes on their behalf. 

Typically, the process begins with the end in mind, finding actual openings in businesses where people may be hired full-time. Candidates are selected according to job description, specific competencies, skills and knowledge – in collaboration with a recruiting specialist for people with special needs. 

Numeracy and literacy assessments are done before candidates are shortlisted for interviews. Following that, these individuals are trained in the financial services field. They receive a recognised qualification as well as important professional experience when they complete the program.

Value delivered to date

  • 227 impaired learners trained since 2017
  • 40% of these learners were placed in Sanlam, the remainder in other institutions

Learner feedback

How is your journey as a student going?

“So far everything is going well, the class environment, as well as the building facilities, are good.”

What positive impact does this learnership program have on your life personally? 

“The end-user program has helped me a lot because I had less knowledge about computers and now, I am learning more. I am also building up my curriculum.”

Client comments

1. Why did you choose Impactful Specialist Solutions?

“We have a long-term relationship with this provider, with a proven track record to assist Sanlam to deliver on this strategic project.”

2. What do you think made our offering stand out from other options?

“Experience in training people with special needs and previous collaboration with Impactful Specialist Solutions on special projects. Furthermore, their knowledge and capacity to execute projects of this nature.”

3. Having worked with Impactful Specialist Solutions in the past, is there anything that exceeded your expectations this time around?

“Their project management ability with projects of this nature and managing potential risks. Impactful Specialist Solutions also has the ability to identify and propose solutions to mitigate risks.”

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Targeting youth unemployment Wed, 08 Feb 2023 12:08:59 +0000 Youth unemployment, lack of 4IR skills and South Africa’s transformation agenda are all critical issues tackled effectively by Impactful Specialist Solutions’ Career Campus.

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Youth unemployment, lack of 4IR skills and South Africa’s transformation agenda are all critical issues tackled effectively by Impactful Specialist Solutions’ Career Campus.

In a digitally transforming world where technology is evolving increasingly rapidly, it is more crucial than ever to keep your employees’ skills up to date and relevant. At the same time, South Africa, in particular, is faced with a youth unemployment challenge that can only be solved through critical skills training and work experience.

The entire concept of learning and training has undergone a fundamental shift in recent times and in this rapidly evolving environment – populated with new technologies, tools, processes and approaches – Impactful Specialist Solutions is perfectly positioned to assist both people and organisations to both understand this shift and to assist in the journey towards a better way of learning.

For young adults, notes Alwyn van der Linde, Business Development Specialist at Impactful Specialist Solutions, there are numerous formal learning options – in the form of colleges, universities and other learning institutions – which enable people to learn skills that can assist in securing employment. Modern organisations seek employees with critical skills  and who are considered to be work-ready, a criteria many graduates are unable to meet.

Impactful Specialist Solutions’ Career Campus is positioned to play a leading role in changing this status quo. Career Campus focuses on four key areas: youth development, helping businesses to meet SA’s transformation agenda, impacting the unemployment crisis and ensuring that both the youth entering employment and existing staff have the skills that are relevant for the current digital market.

Career Campus - Women raining hand in class

Since the key role is helping youngsters get a foot in the door employment-wise, we specialise in providing learnerships and work readiness skills, to afford them the best possible opportunity to ultimately become gainfully employed."

“We also offer soft skills training, as these skills are just as critical in the workplace as an ICT qualification. We refer to these as ‘power skills’ and view them to be as crucial as technical skills, because these are the skills one requires to interact effectively with other people in the organisation. Such talents encompass both human skills – like personal presentation, communication training and more – as well as skills to help them become more digital-savvy, such as the correct way to write an email, or how to conduct yourself during a Teams meeting.”

The right skills for the right client

One challenge faced by the youth is that employment is harder to find if you do not have an in-demand skill-set. Van der Linde suggests. Therefore, Impactful Specialist Solutions focuses on offering them the opportunity to learn a required skill or gain a qualification that can be combined with an international certification.

Career campus - people looking at screen

“So, for example, if someone chooses to become a Cybersecurity Specialist, we can help them learn the skill, secure a level of work experience through an internship, and even improve this with an international certification, which opens up the possibility of employment in other parts of the globe as well.”

Apart from its focus on the unemployed youth, Career Campus also assists in upskilling and finding employment for people with disabilities. This allows companies to not only hire people with the necessary skills, but also to address their inclusion and transformation agendas.

“Depending on client requirements, we can offer some, or all, of the following: recruitment and selection, training and assessments, learner support and mentoring, onboarding and orientation, workplace portfolio management and even administration and payroll management.”

“We consider the individual client’s requirements, and can then customise a specific programme for them which will deliver the skills they need. Options range from a classroom learning environment, virtual, to a combination of the two. For those wanting self-study, we have a bouquet of online content, whilst in-app coaching is available to existing employees receiving training to teach them how to utilise specific technologies that the company has implemented. We can deliver the complete solution as a managed service,” he points out.

The ultimate goal is to allow individual learners to progress at their own pace, and ultimately to provide them with an experience that promotes learning.

Making SA a better place

Alwyn van der Linde notes that Impactful Specialist Solutions offers several value propositions, including the options to sell or make available technologies to assist individuals in automating the learning and development process, or in using technology to undertake the learning journey. These are also appropriate for already employed people who need to upgrade their certifications.

“Moving forward Career Campus will continue to play a critical role in helping the country to address both the unemployment challenge and the need to constantly upgrade technology skills.”

While the bottom line is important, he continues, the key aim is to have the kind of social impact that will make South Africa a better place, and make it more competitive globally, from a national skills repository perspective.

“We see ourselves as the bridge between the youth that desperately require skills and jobs, and the customers who require new 4IR skills and also want to be good corporate citizens who properly address compliance and inclusion. Our offering is completely scalable - we have the resources and capability to deliver a large volume of skills and qualifications as we move forward.”

“We believe that by providing access to such skills, we can play a significant role in the future of the continent. After all, the majority of Africa’s population is young, in stark contrast to most of the developed world. Therefore, you could say Africa hosts the future workforce of the world – particularly as remote work is now a feasible proposition. Impactful Specialist Solutions is positioned to ensure that our youth have the relevant technology skills and qualifications to be able to fulfil this role for the rest of the world,” concludes Van der Linde.

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When HR and IT collide, it is Impactful! Wed, 08 Feb 2023 11:06:27 +0000 Having acquired Altron People Solutions a year ago, LRMG has incorporated this into a business unit called Impactful Specialist Solutions – aimed at aligning HR,

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Having acquired Altron People Solutions a year ago, LMRG has incorporated this into a business unit called Impactful Specialist Solutions – aimed at aligning HR, IT and the skills and training required to consistently develop talent in a business.

There can be little doubt that digitisation is transforming the way training and skills development is conducted and delivered. Moreover, digital is, today, the bridging conversation between human resources (HR) and information technology (IT), in respect of how it impacts talent management, lifelong learning and the user adoption of technology solutions. Bridging these two critical areas is exactly what LRMG had in mind when it undertook the acquisition of Altron People Solutions (APS).

According to Ricky Robinson, founder and CEO at LRMG, the company launched in the late 1990s as a business providing talent acceleration systems and services to assist its clients to achieve success by helping them grow and develop talent within their organisations.

“We grew this division as this partnership thrived over a period of more than a decade, developing the relationship as they evolved from client to genuine business partner. This was because we became their go-to provider of course material, providing seamless delivery anywhere and at any time, also developing content that was futuristic in approach.”

Tuning into the market

He says that, for LRMG, the focus always lay on how the company could help its clients assist their end-customers to do their jobs better. The organisation’s ability to tune into where the market was going thanks to its partnership with the company that became APS – was also vital, enabling it to consistently develop new content to suit new markets, such as creating comprehensive learnership manuals.


Madelise Grobler, an Executive at LRMG, notes that this helped take the company to the next level in terms of developing assessments and assessment guides, as these had to be aligned to the NQF and SA Qualifications Authority (SAQA) qualifications.

“Ultimately, we ended up delivering around 2 000 learnerships per year, mainly in the urban and peri-urban areas, and these were typically some form of IT technician, end-user or system support training, which enabled youths from around the country to access relevant skills and qualifications.”

Robinson points out that LRMG had already made significant in-roads into the HR space, thanks to offering customers access to technologies like Talent Management and Development solutions.

“When Altron chose to divest from APS, we recognised that acquiring this business would allow us to deliver similar quality offerings into the IT arena. This has placed us in a position to bridge the gap between HR and IT in business - after all, both sectors require skills development, and demand learning and development through ongoing training."

“The acquisition of APS meant that we were able to add user adoption training - ensuring that a client’s employees understand how to utilise a new technology deployed at their organisation - to our existing talent management and learning solutions. Because of the impact we could see this combination having on our clients’ businesses, we chose to name the new business unit Impactful Specialist Solutions.”

An ongoing impact

Grobler adds: “The fact that we are experienced in the people side of the business, but also understand the IT landscape means we are positioned at the centre of a triangle composed of human capital, technology, and learning, and can thus ensure that the correct skills are delivered to the right people, at the most appropriate time.”

According to Robinson, in a modern and rapidly transforming world, companies need to invest in lifelong learning for their employees, helping them to craft a learning path – with the requisite skills and training – that will enable them to continuously grow their career.

“If you do this with the right intention, and over the long term, your business will not only obtain the benefit of bringing in new talent excited by the potential career paths, but will also help you to nurture, retain and grow your existing talent,” he says.

“Relevance is a key word for us, in that we aim to be relevant to our customers both today and well into the future. They in turn wish to be relevant to their clients and their people need to continuously look to acquire future-fit skills for their own relevance. It’s this virtuous circle with impact in the epicentre.”

Grobler agrees, noting that what Impactful Specialist Solutions does is about so much more than merely supplying courses. For us, it is about understanding the customer, and then providing an aligned IT and HR strategy, one which delivers the necessary training to ensure the client is able to grow their business and take it to the next level.

“We listen deeply to the market, using the knowledge gained to project where things are going, and then design relevant solutions accordingly. However, what enables us to have a genuine impact is that we don’t just sell clients the solution – our focus is end-to-end, including innovation, creation and design of the solution, as well as its proper integration into the client’s business, thereby affording them the greatest chance of success,” she concludes.

Picture of Ricky Robinson

Ricky Robinson

Founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Picture of Madelise Grobler

Madelise Grobler

Executive at LRMG

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LRMG 25th Birthday Blog Sun, 27 Nov 2022 11:24:00 +0000 You never can tell . . . what you help create when you build a brand. The LRMG birthday story written by Lorinda Ellis-Loots, LRMG shareholder and Brand & Marketing Leader

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The LRMG (Pty) Ltd birthday story written by Lorinda Ellis-Loots.

You never can tell . . . exactly how a brand journey will unfold. That first step leads to the creation of a dream . . . but beware! There will be some nightmares along the way. The trick is to keep dreaming and shape shifting a brand lit up by its purpose.

My business partner, Ricky Robinson’s purpose was always to uplift people in the workforce. Soon after completing his MBA at Cape Town University Business school in 1987, Ricky founded Concord Training Enterprises CC and scripted, produced and filmed two Industrial Relations training videos which starred his university friends Linda and David Thompson, Jeremy and Colleen Chennells, Richard Day, and Stuart Symington (Stu). 

Ricky then enlisted the help of Stu to pedal the videos to corporations in South Africa for Concord in his spare time as a full-time teacher. What happened was extraordinary! With Stu’s self-taught selling skills and lively personality, he sold buckets of the two videos and was instrumental to the awards and acclaims the videos received, showing what commitment and passion can do.

The two training videos opened the doors of possibility
  1. Procedural Fairness – How to discipline an employee fairly, which won the Department of Education and Training’s Award for the Best Management Training video in 1989
  2. Substantive Fairness and the Disciplinary Enquiry became a best seller
I met Ricky in 1990 while at Kohler Flexible Packaging in Cape Town where I was the National Sales Director, and he was the Commercial Director. By then I was itching to leave the corporate world to start a business and build a brand. I had always been fascinated with film and media and was passionate about training. So, it quickly became a joint decision for me to become a 50% shareholder in Concord and to set up the business full time, leaving behind a career in corporate.

In 1990, at the age of 29, I designed a logo and set up the business in our lounge in Mowbray, Cape Town.

No staff, no money, and no idea of how to run a business in direct marketing. However, we had an international training video distribution catalogue from Down Under (Australian corporate training videos produced by Wilson Main).

And so, my life of building my first brand began. With this photo on the back of our first direct mailing via snail mail, I launched our business operations with a series of Service Excellence training videos. While Ricky stayed in corporate just in case, I bombed. . . and I came close to bombing many times, learning that for brand creation cash is king, and service excellence in EVERYTHING!

How do you move ZERO?

I studied the science of direct marketing and learnt that, without a mailing list and target market contact database, you are at ground zero. So, the telephone book and I became particularly good friends. . . no internet back then, this was 1990… just pages and pages of the Yellow Pages. Let your fingers do the walking . .

Yellow Pages Logo PNG
  • Step 1. Hand write company names and telephone numbers on a page in an A4 black book in alphabetical order with ruler drawn columns for HR Manager name: tick ✓, company telephone number: tick ✓ – yup, no PC or laptop in those days.

  • Step 2. Call the number sourced from the Yellow Pages via their land lines – yup, no mobile phones then either. So, I called the receptionist of each company and pretended that I was applying for a job and asked for the name of the head of HR: tick ✓ (contact name in the black book), then I asked for the correct mailing address so I could post my CV to the HR manager: tick ✓ (snail mail address)

  • Step 3. Hand-write five thousand A3 brochure-laden envelopes – people are more likely to open handwritten envelopes than typed, labelled envelopes. The deal was five videos at R500 each, with a series price of R2500. Fax me your order, mail me your cheque and upon receipt I would mail you the videos. Yup, no EFT in those days either.

  • Step 4. Lick and stick five thousand stamps for the envelopes – drop it in the mail and stare at the fax machine. Yup, no email in those days either. I visited the post office and the bank twice a day.

  • Step 5. Stare at the fax machine. Mail took two weeks. Yup, that didn’t change – still does 😊

  • Step 6. Pay the brochure designer, printer and envelope supplier. Do not pay yourself a salary. Watch your company bank balance go into overdraft. No cash left. If the fax machine does not light up with any orders – you bomb!

  • Step 7. Stare at the fax machine. Pray and believe that orders will come in.

  • Step 8. Stay on your knees. Test that the fax machine works and has paper in.

  • Step 9. Deposit your last savings into the company account. Order in video stock and branded shipping boxes.

  • Step 10. The fax machine lights up like a Christmas tree! Start packing up orders like crazy and check the post box every day for cheques. Deposit cheques and postal orders . . . and breathe . . . it is happening, you are building a brand!

Twelve months of building the business in our apartment – by which time the lounge, spare bedroom and under-cover veranda had become filled with video stock and two staff members: a tele marketer to help with tele sales (Lucille Johnson, one of our current staff members’ sister Gail) and Frieda (Lucille Johnson’s mother). We had secured another two international training video catalogues and were becoming known for service excellence, but we still did not have the coveted catalogue: Video Arts, starring John Cleese and Hugh Laurie (House).

It was time to set up an office to build the operation into a business worthy of pitching for the Video Arts catalogue. And so, we signed a lease for our first offices in Pinelands, Cape Town. Painted it blue-purple and created desks with doors I painted black and put on hardware store trestles – no money for office furniture. But . . . fresh flowers and lots of warmth from committed staff to create a memorable experience – one that clients would certainly not forget!

LRMG 25th Birthday First Team Mel, Lorinda

The very first team in our business. Two of them are still in the business today!

  1. Melanie Grobler dressed in black – our first receptionist
  2. Lorinda Ellis (in front) dressed in white

The magic: Service Excellence

Answer the phone within 3 rings: “Concord Training good day. This is Melanie – how can I help you?”

Never compromise – ALWAYS answer the phone in 3 rings or less, and always have a smile in your voice

I am leaving on a jet plane – gotta go get Video Arts

As soon as we could afford it, I booked at trip to Los Angeles to attend ASTD (American Society of Training and Development), a huge annual conference and expos where all the world’s best training video producers congregated. Tina Tietjen was the doyen who ran Video Arts in London, UK, and she rented a suite in the best conference hotel and ran back-to-back appointments with all her global distributors over two days. The Video Arts contracts was then with MAST, the biggest corporate training provider at the time. I tried every viable way to get her attention – no way, she was just too important and too busy to see me. And happy with MAST, why would she?

Video Arts Logo PNG

Alas, I flew back to South Africa via London and lay over for a week to see new UK video producers. There I had a lightening bulb brave moment: what if I made an appointment with Tina in London at the Video Arts head office? So, I did, and I got an appointment. I walked into her office and as I sat down, she said: “Nice to meet you but not sure why because we have very good distributors in South Africa.” Gulp. 

Think on your feet Lorinda, no sit down before the blood drains out of your head. Be brave and just speak from the heart and with confidence. My reply: “Thank you for seeing me, Tina. Concord Training is new to the market, and you need to know about us and watch what we do. We are going to become the biggest corporate training and learning content distributor on the African continent. You will want us to represent Video Arts soon.” Where did that come from? Guts, grit, determination, belief, and FEAR. It was my ‘feel the fear but do it anyway’ moment.

What I did not know, but Tina told us later, was that she had instructed her staff to call us sporadically for 2 years and check us out on service. Little did Melanie and I know that her 3 rings answer: “Concord Training Gooday, this Melanie, how can I help?” consistently over 2 years, made Tina reach out to us 2 years later to talk, and with Ricky’s stellar negotiation skills, we secured the BIG FISH. This was our first step to buying out MAST in 1997 which gave us the opportunity to register Learning Resources (Pty) Ltd with offices in Cape Town, Durban, Bloemfontein and Johannesburg.

We registered the Learning Resource (Pty) Ltd company in June 1997, a month before Ricky and my Savannah Robinson was born. And I designed a whole new brand and positioning to set us up for growth.

LRMG 25th Birthday Met Ricky

In 2004 I left the business to learn how to take a brand global, which I did for CCi (Pty) Ltd with their TRACC digital continuous improvement system which is used in twenty-four countries in fourteen languages. Melanie Grobler joined me at CCi. In 2015 I assisted CCi in securing an intellectual property sale to EY and joined the EY global team to embed the use of a digital product in their manufacturing consulting business and helped build yet another brand, EY Catalyst.

In 2019 I decided to move Down Under and could not secure my position at EY to work from Australia. Little did I know that at this time Ricky had conspired an incredibly special case study event to be used to honour my role in LRMG and to say ‘Goodbye’. 

The LRMG people just loved me to a new level of gratitude and ‘celebrity’ that day with their shining eyes and warm hands and big smiles. Ricky’s words “Clients, colleagues, and friends of LRMG – it is simply this, we are all here because of Lorinda’s dream to build a business, and her courage. If not for her, none of you would be in this room today.” He had me at “If not for her, none of you would be in this room today.” Fast forward and Ricky offered me a contract as the LRMG Brand and Marketing Strategist. 

Today I am back where I belong. Never say never! I brought Melanie back and built a super team with Mickey GeldenhuysNicholas FlemmerLuke VictorElna Faasen and Savannah Robinson and soon we will welcome David Letswalo

We believe that even though we are a tiny team with a very conservative budget, we have baboon dusk in our pockets. Legend says that when a lion attacks a baboon in the wild, the baboon kicks up a hell of a ball of dust, to make it seem more formidable. With that belief, talent, skills and mindset we are committed to taking on the challenge of lifting the brand up where it belongs.

We have completely changed the brand positioning, helped shape a dream for 2026 to set LRMG up to become a company worthy of lasting with these core milestones and measures:

  • Baobab 1 – 10X superior financial performance (outperforming our competitors by a multiple of 10)
  • Baobab 2 – Make a distinctive impact of the lives of people we employ and serve
  • Baobab 3 – Create a lasting legacy
LRMG 25th Birthday Dream

I now live Down Under with my husband Albert Loots and Savannah, who works for LRMG as a freelance graphic designer.

We both work virtually for LRMG across an 8-hour time zone difference. I have built a marketing team of six people and we use the latest best practice and a world leading Marketing Automation System to drive brand awareness and brand engagement. Yup! Now everything we do in marketing is digital. You never can tell . . . from posting, to faxing, to hand- writing to having everything automated with big data links.

My role is quite different today, as I am no longer running income generation businesses. However, our team has helped grow our brand awareness by 5000% in the last two years during the 2020/ 2021 Covid pandemic.

I love working with Ricky again and have teamed up with our Seniors Partners and Partners in the business towards our Dream2025 (Feb 2026).

The most important reflection of this brand journey is that it really is all about your customers and their happiness, the value you add to their business gaols and the loyalty you earn. With a rich tapestry of digital talent management and development systems and talent advisory services, and some of the best people in the industry, who care deeply about uplifting people in the workforce and helping companies grow. We are blessed with amazing customers . . . Customers who push us and help us lift our game again and again.

What a journey . . . from NOTHING and an overdraft in 1990 and ZERO sales, to becoming the ONLY organisation in the world that provides all these service under one roof:

  • The worlds’ best OEM talent management systems (TMS)
  • The world’s best OEM learning management systems (LRM) and Learning Experience Management (LXP)
  • The world’s best eLearning content
  • Best in class, fit for Africa, Talent Advisory services
  • Edtech services and platform

    We are by no ways at HERO status, but we strive, we improve, we reach every day.

We still have a long way to go to meet our promise to stakeholders and shareholders, but as Jim Collins says: “When the going gets tough, it’s the organisations that focus on what they’re good at that survive and thrive.

What I hope to deliver in our pursuit of our Dream25, is to shine sunshine yellow light on our brand, our customers, our people and our products. And to remember my two mottos I live by:

‘People don’t move unless they are moved’ (connect to people’s heart with authenticity and a real will to serve) ‘Wonder-full' = keep wondering and be curious and your life will be full’

LRMG 25th Birthday Lorinda Ellis 2020 Aged 60

The post LRMG 25th Birthday Blog first appeared on LRMG.

The post LRMG 25th Birthday Blog appeared first on LRMG.
